A Grateful Heart

Sunaina .K
3 min readOct 26, 2020
Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

First, learn to be grateful and you’ll be able to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles- Justin Ho

A Grateful heart is a happy heart. After the Pandemic hit our lives most of us lost motivation to be on track. There were many such lazy days where all we wanted to do is lay in our bed and scroll through our social medias. I remember when we were advised to be under Quarantine none of us knew that all this was going to continue for so long. The first few months of this world wide lock down where the human race was under the threat of being infected, most of us were going through major mental changes. Some of us took this opportunity of Quarantine life as a period of break from work life. We took it as a blessing to spend time with our families that we had missed because of the busy work schedules. We cherished each moment that we couldn’t experience all these years. We started valuing each other a little more and appreciated the one’s who were never tired of helping us in our household chores. Especially our Mothers, whom we take for granted and forget to appreciate them for all the support and happiness they provided to our families. Trust me they deserve all the happiness in the world.

But as the days passed this Big Germ never stopped attacking us. The days were just passing by without being productive. Our physical energy was being drained out by doing NOTHING. We all surely miss our normal lives. This pandemic was an eye opener to all of us who took our survival for granted. Masks have become a part of body. The fear that was caused started affecting our mental health. So many people had lost their jobs, some of our plans of studying abroad are at halt. We are constantly in search of things that can keep our minds occupied. While everyone has been cursing the year 2020 I had a different perspective about various mishaps happening around. We all are familiar about “The Seven Laws Of Attraction”, one of which is “The Law of Manifestation”- This law teaches us that anything we focus on constantly will manifest in our lives. Our mind is a powerful manifestation tool. The more positive things we focus on, the more we get in our life. Instead of talking about how cruel this year has been all we can do is hope for the good days ahead.

Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

This Pandemic has been a great teacher to all of us. We learnt some important life skills, tried new hobbies; personally I could analyse and take time for myself to discover my strengths and weaknesses. Turned out that i have a flair for cooking and can do without ordering food online. Started eating healthy and even improvised my painting skills.

Always take time for yourself and work on personal growth. A positive mind can do wonders. The Three P’s i have learnt and started practicing are…

i) Patience

ii) Prayers

iii) Passion

We must create our happy vibes and not forget to be grateful for every little happiness we receive.

